Saturday, September 27, 2008

Quirky Me!

So I was tagged my Marcie...

1. I am OBSESSED with clean baseboards. I don't know what it is but I have to have clean baseboards. I have tried to let it go but I can't. I clean them a few times a week. If I can't get them all the way clean then I will repaint them. When I was on bed rest and had to look at them every day and couldn't do anything about it I about had a nervous break down. Ask my husband :)

2. I love huge snakes but am terrified of the tiniest spider. I actually want a big yellow python but Travis told me he would get a pet trianchula so I have come to terms that it will never happen.

3. I check to see if my curling iron is on and if my garage it shut SEVERAL times a day. Whenever Trav and I go anywhere and we are driving out of the neighborhood I usually make him turn around so I can check to see if I left my curling iron on. Yes, I have been miles away from my house and still turned around. (It has never been on and the garage has never been open by the way) My neighbor even has a key to my house and I have called her also to check. Am I a freak or what?!

4. I hardly ever read but when I do I have to read the entire book that night. I can't put it down. I read all of the twilight series in a week.

5. I eat a pb&J sandwich every day for lunch. That's all that ever really sounds good and I am to lazy to make anything else I guess.

6. I shop online but hardly ever "check out". Yes, I am a recovering shopaholic and so it makes me feel better to get online and put a bunch of stuff I want in my cart but I can finally control it and just leave it in the cart.

7. I love to pick skin and scabs. I know it is disgusting. I love in the summer time when I peel a little and get to pick off big chunks of skin. Travis gets mad at me because I do it a little bit to the babies right now (the cradle cap thing drives me insane).

8. I can't look in the mirrors at night. I don't know why but it freaks me out. I think I am going to see something behind me or something scary in the mirror. I think it stems from when I was a little girl and used to do the "bloody Mary" thing in the mirror with my friends. Did anyone else do that?!

So there you have I a weirdo or what?!


Unknown said...

Jamie- I totally remember us all doing the 'Bloody Mary ' thing in the bathroom mirror at school! Oh, and I will check to see if my Chi is unplugged before leaving the house, and then again after I pull the car out (a little obsessive compulsive)!
Oh, and I eat Pb&j everyday for lunch too, I am way to lazy to make anything else!!! Let's try to go out on Tuesday!

Katrina said...

Jamie, You are so funny! I also love picking skin, and anything that I can pick. cradle cap was one of them. We totally had to remove the mirrors that were on our closet door in our room before i would even sleep. I'm way to lazy to be obsessive about my baseboards,more power to ya! We may have a lot more in common. I also never I mean ever read and I un-boycotted(if that's a word) the twilight series and started on the first book 2 days ado and it's crazy I just have to finish it like you said. Your Family pics are beautiful i haven't had a chance to tell you. Did Jenny go to elem. with us?

Jylaire said...

You are hilarious! At least we all have our own "crazy quirks!"

Marcie said...

Jamie you are not weird at all, in fact, you are sounding more and more normal everyday. I'm starting to wonder if we are somehow related :)! Thats why I like you so much, what you see is what you get. You are very genuine. Oh, try using a soft brissel tooth brush on the base boards - just a tip for another crazy lady.

erin said...

those are so funny! I usually have a pb&j every day too. I am trying to get away from it.
I remember sleeping at your house and talking about our differnt mirror experiences or yours...I hate mirrors especially at night too. I think my mind is so messed up..I make myself think things are there and they aren't.

miss you 9:00 late enough for the sleep over? LOL just kidding..i will do my best to stay up...=)

Jill said...

Oh my gosh Jamie. You are hilarious. I can't stop laughing. I didn't realize you were so quirky!! I love it!!
Bloody Mary is freaky!!!!!!

erin said...

Unfortunatly, I wasn't with you crazy girls for the shirt thing and the bus. I probably had to work that night. To bad!

Heidi Rogers said...

So with you on the mirror thing... it is freaky and I am sure it is because of the Blood Mary thing!! Cute post, I love all your quirks.

Tricia Ellington said...

Jamie I totally do the shopping thing without checking out! Seth always is looking at me like what are you doing? It really SORTA feels like you've shopped, doesn't it? Your babies are so precious.

Anonymous said...

Oh my god I thought I was OCD but you take the cake girl. I don't know you but that was one of the best posts I've read. You have beautiful children by the way.

The Brann's said...

That was fun to read about you. It's always fun to hear about all the odd things people do. It makes me feel a little more normal!

Unknown said...

Sorry for writing twice in one day but I didn't read this post before I commented and I have to say I am the same with the mirror thing AND I always shop and really enjoy filling up the cart and RARELY actually buy anything. It's not as fun as actually buying things though. :) Kellie